Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bob Proctor - The 11 Forgotten Laws

I have spent the last few days watching the Bob Proctor videos as well as listening to the 11 Forgotten Laws audio lessons presented by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey. Yes, there are videos to watch, but its an add-on when you purchase the 11 Forgotten Laws program. And when this was offered to me, being the huge Bob Proctor fan that I am, I could not say No, and of course saying No to something that feels right would go against the Law of Attraction.

So I said yes, and have spent the last few days watching them. They are fantastic.

When the Secret first came out everything was focused on the Law of Attraction and I did have some great success but unfortunately the success I had did not last. My affiliate sales skyrocketed almost overnight and I was simply blown away but then they began to steadily drop and although I thought I was doing everything in accordance with the Law of Attraction, after watching these videos and listening to the audio's, I realise I was making a huge mistake without even realising it.

You see there are 11 other universal laws and if we do not work in harmony with each and every one of them, then our actions will unwittingly affect the outcome of our desires. But if you don't understand these laws, then you have no way of knowing what you are doing wrong and how you are violating any of the laws.

As Bob Proctor explains in the Law of Attraction lesson, the most key ingredient is expectation - you have to expect to get what you desire and when I first put this into practice, I did expect it to happen. I was all fired up after watching the Secret and it did work. But then without realising it, I violated one of the laws. I did not expect my good fortune to last. I thought it was a flash in the pan which I was extremely grateful for, but deep down, I knew it wouldn't last and sure enough, it didn't. I will not make that mistake again.

The beauty of he 11 Forgotten Laws program is that including the Law of Attraction, you have 12 laws in total. I plan to take one law a month in 2009 and completely master it, giving it focus each and every day.

The first law I am now working on for the remainder of this month is the Law of Thinking. This law is the foundation to everything. Without a full understanding of this law, its like building a new house without a stable foundation - whatever you build will not last.

My eyes are open, my heart is receptive and my thoughts are key. I am so excited and only after a few days small synchronicities have already started to occur, so roll on December 2009 as this new year's eve I shall not only be welcoming in the new year, but really and truly celebrating everything 2009 delivered to me.

For anyone wanting to benefit from all life truly has to offer, I would recommend you invest in yourself and discover the 11 forgotten laws right now. And for those of you who are still not convinced, I have uploaded a free 7 part Video series on the 11 Forgotten Laws Program, which you can access here.

With Gratitude and My Best Intentions,

The Secret Works

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