Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Vision Boards and James Ray

Another full day spent working on the site. The morning was devoted to my Vision Board page. I am a great believer in the power of a Vision Board. It is truly amazing.

Vision Boards are the most powerful manifestation tool available to keep you inspired and focused. Start applying The Law of Attraction in your life in the most effective way, with your own Vision Board!

This year I created a card Vision Board which I placed on my office wall. Each day I stared and it and reinforced my affirmations. Within about six weeks I made more money in one month than I had the whole year - and I didn't do anything different. It was awesome, and all I could put it down to was the power of the Vision Board and the Law of Attraction. I am now focused on 2009 and am in the process of creating a new Vision Board on my laptop. For those that prefer a Vision Board on their computer, you can either purchase the software outright or join a Vision Board community. I personally have gone for the buy outright option simply because I am too busy at this stage to get involved with sharing my Vision Board with others.

And the afternoon was devoted to James Ray. I discovered today that he is known as the Rock Star of Personal Transformation and fully understand why. He is awesome to watch. He delivers his insights in a humorous way. It's almost like watching a comedian live on stage, you laugh but at the end you feel so motivated with a clearer understanding of what life is really all about. I spent half an hour watching the videos I included on the page which cover the five key areas of his Harmonic Wealth program - Mind, Relationships, Money, Health and Spirituality. Hence my commitment to making The Secret Works site as comprehensive and informative as possible for anyone interested in the philosophies of The Secret and the Law of Attraction. http://www.james-ray.the-secret-works.co.za

With Gratitude and My Best Intentions,

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Secret Journal

Today I downloaded The Journal after spending hours building my own Journal affiliate web site at http://www.the-journal.the-secret-works.co.za./ I had seen this program a few months ago and considered downloading it then, but the time wasn't right as I was so busy working on The Secret Works. Yeah, sounds like procrastination I know, but it wasn't. I was focused on my site building task, and that was my number one priority.

It is so easy to get distracted and I have been reminded recently how difficult it can be to keep your goal posts in sight. Just working on The Secret Works site, whilst researching for quality content and products to provide my site visitors with, I became inundated with offers, and in truth, got distracted from my main goal which was to build a quality site, free to visitors, no membership charges providing all sorts of information related to The Secret and the principles of the The Secret and Law of Attraction.

But I got distracted, not from building the site, but from my initial site concept. I saw how other webmasters were making money, selling all kinds of stuff and even when you say No, you get another offer, then another and for a minute I thought, hey, this must work, I could make a fortune too. And then the light bulb went on...

How I could I even consider building a site about the law of attraction, and then go for the high sales kill, pushing products or services on people that probably don't even want them. That wouldn't be right. It's not what The Secret Works site is about and it's certainly not what I'm about.

Sure throughout the site you will see banners to programs that you can sign up too, but they are all relevant. I have visited each and every site, and either participated in the free trial version or the product. There is no hard sell at The Secret Works. You know what is right for you. I only want to show you your options.

So, my site is almost done (and Google picked up a page from it which I am thrilled about) , and after spending hours on it today creating the page for The Journal, I decided that there was no time like the present to get journaling myself. If you're reading this on my blog, then fantastic, as The Journal has a nifty feature to post your entries to your blog which, as soon as I am done writing this, I will try it. So if you're reading this, it obviously worked.

You can download the 45 Day Trial Version at http://www.the-journal.the-secret-works.co.za/ and try it out for yourself. Looks very promising and should help me keep on track with my 2009 New Year Resolutions. More on that later.....
With gratitude and my best intentions,
Holly - http://www.the-secret-works.co.za/

Monday, December 15, 2008

James Ray - Parallel Universes

Parallel Universes

Last night I finally got to watch James Ray's Parallel Universes DVD. I had been wanting to watch it for ages but have been so busy working on The Secret Works site, that I just didn't have the time. Until last night, while working on the site, the Parallel Universes banner again showed itself to me and I decided there and then that I just had to watch it.

And I am so glad I did. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be AWESOME!

In Parallel Universes, you'll simply and easily understand the science behind how you create your life, either consciously with intention and attention or unconsciously with unexamined habits and patterns of thought.

The Secret tells you about the Law of Attraction and how to live your life by it, but Parallel Universes explains the science behind the Law of Attraction and The Secret. It is compelling stuff and James has such an easy and humorous style that when he talks about quantum physics, it is just so motiviating.

I can't recommend this DVD enough. For anybody wanting more anwers, this will definitely provide them. I am so motivated today, and I can't wait to watch the other DVD's he has in his collection.

With Gratitude and My Best Intentions,


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Science of Getting Rich - Bob Proctor

Yesterday I watched Bob Proctor's The Science of Getting Rich DVD. Although the theme of the DVD was much of what I'd heard before, it started off with Bob talking about making a decision. And when he was dicussing this I had an ah-ha moment, and I realised how important it is to actually make the decision to change or to create something new in your life, after all I had done this before and with great success, but at the time, I hadn't realised the importance of the decision in the creative process.

A few years ago I needed to find a source of creating additional income without having to spend too much time on it, so I joined a Casino Affiliate Program and built a web site promoting the online casino. Not too much happened. I earned a little income, but nothing really substantial.

Then I watched The Secret and consciously started applying the principles that were explained in the DVD. I began thinking about my casino affiliate program in a different way, affirming over and over again how much money I make from it and guess what, to my amazement within three months I began earning more money each month than I did from my regular job. And the only thing that was different was my attitude towards it. This was fantastic, but as with many things, unless we focus every day, we suddently find ourselves in the position of not focusing at all. And this is exactly what happened to me.

The casino revenue, although still coming in, began to decline and consquently I began thinking it was just a flash in the pan and that it had been a lucky break. In alignment with these thoughts, the revenue began to drop even more.

But then yesterday, as I watched Bob Proctor discuss the Laws of Attraction and the importance of thoughts in the power of creation and he mentioned the crucial step of consciously making a decision, I realised that this was exactly what I needed to do and I immediately, whilst still watching the DVD, made the decision to go back into my success zone. And the strangest thing happened. I began to feel excited. I felt rejuvenated and enthusiastic, naturally. I was not forcing it. It was not a case of mind over matter. I genuinely believed that simply by making the decision to enter my success zone, that I would once again be successful, and this time, even more so!

As a consquence, I spent the rest of the day on a natural high, working on my new web site The Secret Works and I really enjoyed it. It was fun and no longer a chore I needed to do. As I researched on the internet, I was led to more and more things that I knew I just had to include on the site. And all these links showed up at exactly the right time when I was looking for something unique and specific for a certain part of my site.

But that's not what really did it for me. In my regular job, I bid on Elance for web design work and as of yesterday I had over 25 proposals waiting for approval and these had been closed and in this holding situation for about two weeks. And suddenly within hours, I was awarded two jobs, both which I had really wanted. These two jobs alone were worth over $1,000 to me. And this was on the same day that I made the decision to be successful in my money making efforts.

So, if that is the success I had in just one day, now that I am 100% completely focused and back on track, I can't wait to see what else the universe has in store for me!

With Gratitude and My Best Intentions,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Secret DVD

My first experience after watching The Secret DVD was discussing the content with the people that I watched it with. Everyone had an opinion, some positive and some negative and it's the negative comments that I would like to address here.

I respect that everyone has different opinions, but it did strike me that the majority of peoople that reacted negatively, were the people that seemed to have the most problems in their lives. They either had financial problems, relationship problems and I knew for a fact that they were not doing very well in the jobs (cause I'm the boss).

Whilst the people that reacted positively did not wholeheartedly believe it, they were open to the possibility that that they could create the lives they wanted by just thinking and acting differently. Some wanted to know more and others immediately began putting the ideas into practice.

Yet, the negative people, who really needed to change their lives, began to make all sorts of excuses, justifying why it just would not work. I realised that the main reason for this was because if they did believe, or if at the very least they tried and failed, they would have only themselves to blame, and these people were comfortable with rather blaming others for everything that goes wrong with their lives.

I am not very tolerant of people that knock things before they try something or can discuss their own experiences with reasons for their negative views. And in fact the information in The Secret
will not work for these people because of the very nature of the The Secret information conflicting with them. Many of these people were what I call the Either/Or Brigade.

They claim to be religious and that The Secret goes against their religion which for the life of me I cannot understand. The whole concept of The Secret to me is about God and his special gift to us all. It shouldn't matter what religion you are, as all religions have a Creator just known by a different name and, in my opinion, all are God. So many of these people have been indoctrinated with ideas that clearly are not serving them well, but instead of being open and considering other possibilities, they prefer to cling to their belief system. Considering the ideas of The Secret to me are embracing a kind, giving and loving God. After all, God created us in his own image, and that can only be with the ability to create.

Then there those that don't have the time as they are too busy dealing with their daily lives. And again, I have to ask why does it have to be one or the other?

To develop oneself and to reach your full potential, you need to improve your thinking, you need to be open to possibilities and you need to grow, and this can be done EASILY without rejecting or denying the realities of your life. You CAN still go to church. You CAN still go to work each day. You CAN incorporate new ideas into your existing life, if you choose.

And that's the whole point. YOU can DO ANYTHING you choose, but if you are not happy with your life or any parts of it, then consider your choices, look at your options and choose again until you have the life you chose.

With Gratitude and My Best Intentions,