Friday, February 6, 2009

The Masters Gathering - Calling All South Africans

The Masters Gathering after two months of pre-launch, finally opened it's doors for business yesterday. After months of excitement in anticipation of the biggest program in personal transformation, I am overjoyed to announce to everybody that The Masters Gathering went above and beyond all m expectations - and that is before I have even studied the wonderful course material.

I will confess that I did oom and aah a while before taking the leap of faith and signing up for the program, but I am so glad I did. The program is just under $200 USD (about R2,000 for South Africans) which is quite considerable, but.....

I did it! I joined and think its probably the best decision I have made this year!

In my oomings and aahrings, all the usual doubts raised their ugly heads:
  • Can you really afford it?
  • Even if you splash out on it, will it deliver everything it claims?
  • Is this just another program with the same information I've seen everywhere else?
  • Will this really be of value and benefit to me?

And then, I answered the questions..

  • I have the money to sign-up - It is only a matter of deciding whether to spend R2,000 on this or R2,000 on something else
  • I believe strongly in the Law of Attraction and knowing The Masters Gathering has been put together by the top experts and teachers in the personal transformation industry, it was sure to deliver
  • Sometimes it's not what you are told, but how you are told, how things are explained to you and I am a sponge for everything Law of Attraction related - putting everything together is like building a puzzle - until you have all the pieces your puzzle will be incomplete - I believed that the Masters Gathering would at the very least provide me with another piece to the puzzle.
  • How could a full understanding of the Law of Attraction not be of value to me.

I then decided to go for it with the belief that I could afford it, in the spirit of gratitude that I was able to be in the position to even consider purchasing the program and sent a clear message to the Universe that I believe!

I spent the first few hours upon joining just exploring - there are so many wonderful people to get to know there - I truly felt at home the minute I logged in. I have now begun to go through the Course Material and feel excited and motivated that this is going to be one of my most positive experiences in 2009 - something I deserve - something magical I drew to myself - something I had the ability to recognise when it appeared!

And for that, I am truly grateful.

So please put any doubts you have aside and join today!

PS. I would like to say that as I write this I am the only South African member amongst the USA/Canadians and strong Aussie membership and would love other South Africans to join in and share our rainbow spirit with the rest of the world.

PPS. If you do more of the same, you will simply get more of the same!

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